Kamis, 13 Desember 2012

Tugas Akhir Mata Kuliah Seminar Pendidikan Matematika

Tugas Akhir Mata Kuliah Seminar Pendidikan Matematika (SPM)
Bagi mahasiswa yang mengikuti perkuliahan mata kuliah SPM ataupun yang sedang menyusun tugas akhir skripsi, kalau pingin mencari artikel jurnal yang menarik, Anda dapat membuka beberapa alamat berikut.
  1. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education (EJMSTE) http://www.ejmste.com
  2. Journal of Mathematics Science and Mathematics Education (MSME) http://www.msme.us/
  3. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education (IEJME) http://www.iejme.com/
  4. Mathematics Education Research Journal (MERJ) http://www.merga.net.au/node/40
  5. Journal of Mathematics Education (JME) http://educationforatoz.com/journalandmagazines.html
  6. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) http://www.citejournal.org/archives.cfm
  7. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (ERME) http://ermeweb.free.fr/
  8. The Mathematics Educator (TME) http://math.coe.uga.edu/TME/Issues/v18n2/v18n2.html
  9. International Newsletter on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Proof (Terakhir 2005) http://www.lettredelapreuve.it/OldPreuve/Newsletter/05Automne/05Automne.htm
  10. NEFSTEM The Northeast Florida Science, Technology, and Mathematics Center for Education Action Research Journal (contoh laporan) http://www.nefstem.org/action_research_journals.htm
  11. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning http://www.cimt.plymouth.ac.uk/journal/
  12. Selected Papers from the Annual Conference on Didactics of Mathematics, Bern, 1999   http://webdoc.gwdg.de/ebook/e/gdm/1999/
  13. team study group 18: problem solving ICME-10, June 1, 2004    http://www.icme-organisers.dk/tsg18/#papers
  14. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood (terdapat isu-isu untuk pendidikan matematika) http://www.wwwords.co.uk/ciec/content/maincontents.asp

Semoga bermanfaat.

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